
Students are required to attend on every school day. Any absences must be explained with a note or phone call, preferably before the absence. If you child has an unexplained absence you will be sent a text on a nominated mobile phone. Please reply with an explanation for their absence.
We support the Victorian Government initiative “Every Day Counts”.
We believe this initiative will:
– Support school, parents and local communities to work together to improve student attendance by reducing absenteeism.
– Enhance the capacity of schools to support students who are at risk of disengagement from school and who are not achieving their educational potential.
– Promote a shared responsibility for school attendance.

School hours are from 8.55am to 3.25pm. Students must not attend school before 8.30am or after 3.25pm, as teacher supervision is not guaranteed before and after these hours. Students coming into school late must report to the General Office and sign in before going to class.