Daily Timeline

The school day at Rushworth P-12 College Starts at 8.55 am, students are required to be in attendance at Advisory Groups from this time for roll marking, the day finishes at 3.25 pm.

Our school day consists of 5, 1 hour periods, broken up by a recess break of 20 minutes and a lunch break of 50 minutes.

Time Bell
8.55am Music & Warning Bell
9.00am Advisory Groups
9.10am Period 1
10.10am Period 2
11.10am Recess
11.25am Music & Warning Bell
11.30am Period 3
12.30pm Period 4
1.30pm Lunch
2.15pm Music & Warning Bell
2.20pm Period 5
3.20pm Students Dismissed
3.25pm Bus Bell
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